Twinboarder Overseas Pvt Ltd REFUND POLICY

Refund is offered directly by the relevant sellers under this policy, under which you are given the choice of return by the relevant sellers. It’s possible that not all of the items in a given category have the same returns policy. The refund policy specified on the product page shall take precedence over the general refund policy for all products. Make sure to read each one carefully to understand the terms and circumstances that will allow for returns to be accepted.

What is Twinborder Overseas Pvt. Ltd’s refund policy?
Twinborder Overseas Pvt. Ltd. has a Refund policy that is very lenient. If the customer is not happy with the order, you can easily return the item using our website. However, there are a few fundamental requirements to qualify:
• Product must be in its original, unused condition.
• After delivery, a request must be made within 24 hours.
• If there is a mismatch in quality, size, colour, or design, or if an item is missing or incorrect in a combo order, we accept the request.
• We don’t give returns for bulk orders.

How to make a refund request?
Customers must get in touch with our customer service team using the available channels, such as phone or email, in order to get refund of a purchase.

– The order number, client information, and the cause for return must all be included in the request.

– The request will be examined by our customer care team, and the return and refund process will be handled appropriately.

Our team will now examine the request. After approval, the exchange will begin.
Note: Original product images, NOT the catalogue image, must be uploaded.

The item was picked up from my residence. When will I get the money back?
The refund will be processed within 7 to 10 business days after the product has been picked up. Don’t forget to update the bank information where you want the refund to be sent as well.

PLEASE NOTE: Refunds will NOT be started if you deliver an extra or incorrect product. When starting the return request, please make sure you enter the correct quantity.

Why is my request for a refund being denied?
If your refund request is being denied, you might have uploaded the incorrect product image.
• In order to make sure your refund request is accepted:
• Only post genuine product images.